jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

PM/CS La normade liquidación tiene por default los centros de costo

Cuando de libera la orden de mantenimiento, automáticamente se genera su norma de liquidación y en este caso es un centro de costo.

Default receiver object type


A default settlement object available for this settlement profile.


In this field in the settlement profile, you enter an object type that serves as a default value for account assignment (for example, cost_center).


Normally you enter a PM-order for a technical object ( Equipment and/or Functional location). In the master data for the technical object there is settlement information, such as Settlement_order, WBS_element, Cost_center or Asset).
Dependent upon the entry in this field, the system produces two settlement rules for the PM order at a date you have specified in Customizing:
  • A settlement rule for the complete settlement

  • A settlement rule for the periodic settlement

1.- SAP Help


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